PAT 498/598: Special Topics: Generative AI for Music and Audio Creation (Fall 2024)

Instructor Hao-Wen Dong (ude.hcimu@gnodwh)
Room Moore 376 (Davis)
Days & times 12:30–2pm, Mondays & Wednesdays
Office hours 3–4pm, Mondays & Wednesdays @ Stearns 131 & Zoom

[Piazza] [Gradescope] [Canvas]

Important Notes


An introduction to generative AI and its applications to music and audio creation. Topics include music generation, audio synthesis and assistive music creation tools. Students work on a semester-long group project to gain hands-on experience on creating music using AI tools. Prior coding experience is recommended.



Week Date Lecture Project Assignments
1 Aug 26 Introduction    
  Aug 28  ├ Intro to AI Music    
2 Sep 2  ├ No Class (Labor Day)    
  Sep 4  ├ Intro to AI Music II    
3 Sep 9  ├ Deep learning fundamentals I    
  Sep 11  ├ Deep learning fundamentals II   Assignment 1
4 Sep 16  ├ Guest lecture by Prof. Bryan Pardo    └ due on Sep 20
  Sep 18  ├ Optimization & CNNs   Assignment 2
5 Sep 23  ├ RNNs, LSTMs & Transformers    │
  Sep 25  ├ VAEs & GANs    │
6 Sep 30  └ Diffusion models    │
    Symbolic Music Generation    │
  Oct 2  ├ Melody, harmony & chord progression generation    └ due on Oct 4
7 Oct 7  ├ Polyphonic music generation    
  Oct 9  ├ Multitrack music generation   Assignment 3
8 Oct 14  ├ No Class (Fall Study Break)    │
  Oct 16  └ Multimodal music generation    │
    Audio Synthesis    │
9 Oct 21  ├ Time-domain audio synthesis I    │
  Oct 23  ├ Time-domain audio synthesis II Team-up  └ due on Oct 25
10 Oct 28  ├ Frequency-domain audio synthesis I    
  Oct 30  ├ Frequency-domain audio synthesis II   Assignment 4
11 Nov 4  └ Multimodal audio synthesis    │
  Nov 6 Project pitch & discussion Proposal  │
12 Nov 11 No Class (Travel)    │
  Nov 13 No Class (Travel)    │
    Assistive Music Creation Tools    │
13 Nov 18  ├ Neural audio effects    │
  Nov 20  ├ Auto-mixing    └ due on Nov 22
14 Nov 25  └ Live performance & interactive systems    
  Nov 27 No Class (Thanksgiving)    
15 Dec 2 Discussions — ethical concerns & copyright issues    
  Dec 4 Review    
16 Dec 9 Project presentation Presentation & final report  


All grading will be handled via Gradescope.

Assignments 40% Project 60%
 ├ Assignment 1 10%  ├ Proposal 10%
 ├ Assignment 2 10%  ├ Final report 20%
 ├ Assignment 3 10%  └ Presentation 30%
 └ Assignment 4 10%    

The final grading scale is as follows.

A+ >96 B+ 87–89 C+ 77–79 D+ 67–69 F <60
A 93–96 B 83–86 C 73–76 D 63–66    
A− 90–92 B− 80–82 C− 70–72 D− 60–62    


  Content Out Due on
Assignment 1 AI song contest Sep 11 Sep 20
Assignment 2 Musical note classification using CNNs Sep 20 Oct 7
Assignment 3 Generating music using transformers Oct 2 Oct 28
Assignment 4 Synthesizing audio using diffusion models Oct 30 Nov 25


  Due on
Team-up Oct 25
Proposal Nov 8
Presentation Dec 9
Final report Dec 15


There is no required reading. Here is some good optional reading:



Course Recordings

Generative AI Usage

Plagiarism & Academic Misconduct

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities/Disability Statement

The University of Michigan recognizes disability as an integral part of diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable educational environment for students with disabilities. Students who are experiencing a disability-related barrier should contact Services for Students with Disabilities ((734) 763-3000 or For students who are connected with SSD, accommodation requests can be made in Accommodate. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your SSD Coordinator or visit SSD’s Current Student webpage. SSD considers aspects of the course design, course learning objects and the individual academic and course barriers experienced by the student. Further conversation with SSD, instructors, and the student may be warranted to ensure an accessible course experience.

Sexual Misconduct Policy

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes sexual misconduct — including harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. We understand that sexual violence can undermine students’ academic success and we encourage anyone dealing with sexual misconduct to talk to someone about their experience, so they can get the support they need. Confidential support and academic advocacy can be found with the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC) on their 24-hour crisis line at (734) 936-3333. Alleged violations can be non-confidentially reported to the Office for Institutional Equity (OIE).

Mental Health and Well-Being

Students may experience stressors that can impact both their academic experience and their personal well-being. These may include academic pressure and challenges associated with relationships, mental health, alcohol or other drugs, identities, finances, etc. If you are experiencing concerns, seeking help is a courageous thing to do for yourself and those who care about you. If the source of your stressors is academic, please contact me so that we can find solutions together. For personal concerns, U-M offers many resources, some of which are listed at Resources for Students on the Well-being Collective website. You can also search for additional resources on that website.

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