Assistant Professor
Performing Arts Technology
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
University of Michigan

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I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Performing Arts Technology at the University of Michigan. I am also affiliated with the Computer Science and Engineering Department.

My research aims to augment human creativity with machine learning. I develop human-centered generative AI technology that can be integrated into the professional creative workflow, with a focus on music, audio and video content creation. My long-term goal is to lower the barrier of entry for content creation and democratize professional content creation for everyone.

My research on Human-Centered Generative AI for Content Creation can be categorized into the following three main pillars:

My current research interests include:

Researchers create knowledge.
Teachers organize knowledge.
Engineers apply knowledge.



Weihan Xu
MS student, Duke University
Seeking PhD positions!
Erfun Ackley
MS student, UMich
Seeking PhD positions!
Molly Jones
PhD student, UMich

For prospective students, please read this if you’re interested in working with me.

 Selected Honors & Awards

 Selected Publications

See the full list of publications here (Google Scholar).


 Professional Experience

For more information, please see my CV.