
Pypianoroll provides tools for visualizing piano rolls. Here are some examples.

Track visualization Multitrack visualization Multitrack visualization closeup


pypianoroll.plot(obj: Union[pypianoroll.track.Track, pypianoroll.multitrack.Multitrack], **kwargs) Union[List[matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes], matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes][source]

Plot the object.

See pypianoroll.plot_multitrack() and pypianoroll.plot_track() for full documentation.

pypianoroll.plot_multitrack(multitrack: Multitrack, axs: Sequence[matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes] = None, mode: str = 'separate', track_label: str = 'name', preset: str = 'full', cmaps: Sequence[str] = None, xtick: str = 'auto', ytick: str = 'octave', xticklabel: bool = True, yticklabel: str = 'auto', tick_loc: Sequence[str] = ('bottom', 'left'), tick_direction: str = 'in', label: str = 'both', grid_axis: str = 'both', grid_linestyle: str = ':', grid_linewidth: float = 0.5, **kwargs) List[matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes][source]

Plot the multitrack.

  • multitrack (pypianoroll.Multitrack) – Multitrack to plot.

  • axs (sequence of matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes to plot the tracks on.

  • mode ({'separate', 'blended', 'hybrid'}, default: 'separate') – Plotting strategy for visualizing multiple tracks. For ‘separate’ mode, plot each track separately. For ‘blended’, blend and plot the pianoroll as a colored image. For ‘hybrid’ mode, drum tracks are blended into a ‘Drums’ track and all other tracks are blended into an ‘Others’ track.

  • track_label ({'name', 'program', 'family', 'off'}) – Track label format. When mode is ‘hybrid’, all options other than ‘off’ will label the two track with ‘Drums’ and ‘Others’.

  • preset ({'full', 'frame', 'plain'}, default: 'full') – Preset theme to use. For ‘full’ preset, ticks, grid and labels are on. For ‘frame’ preset, ticks and grid are both off. For ‘plain’ preset, the x- and y-axis are both off.

  • cmaps (tuple or list) – Colormaps. Will be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(). Only effective when pianoroll is 2D. Defaults to ‘Blues’. If mode is ‘separate’, defaults to (‘Blues’, ‘Oranges’, ‘Greens’, ‘Reds’, ‘Purples’, ‘Greys’). If mode is ‘blended’, defaults to (‘hsv’). If mode is ‘hybrid’, defaults to (‘Blues’, ‘Greens’).

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to pypianoroll.plot_pianoroll().


(Created) list of Axes objects.

Return type

list of matplotlib.axes.Axes

pypianoroll.plot_track(track: Track, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes = None, **kwargs) matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes[source]

Plot a track.


(Created) Axes object.

Return type


pypianoroll.plot_pianoroll(ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes, pianoroll: numpy.ndarray, is_drum: bool = False, resolution: Optional[int] = None, downbeats: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, preset: str = 'full', cmap: str = 'Blues', xtick: str = 'auto', ytick: str = 'octave', xticklabel: bool = True, yticklabel: str = 'auto', tick_loc: Sequence[str] = ('bottom', 'left'), tick_direction: str = 'in', label: str = 'both', grid_axis: str = 'both', grid_linestyle: str = ':', grid_linewidth: float = 0.5, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a piano roll.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – Axes to plot the piano roll on.

  • pianoroll (ndarray, shape=(?, 128), (?, 128, 3) or (?, 128, 4)) – Piano roll to plot. For a 3D piano-roll array, the last axis can be either RGB or RGBA.

  • is_drum (bool, default: False) – Whether it is a percussion track.

  • resolution (int) – Time steps per quarter note. Required if xtick is ‘beat’.

  • downbeats (list) – Boolean array that indicates whether the time step contains a downbeat (i.e., the first time step of a bar).

  • preset ({'full', 'frame', 'plain'}, default: 'full') – Preset theme. For ‘full’ preset, ticks, grid and labels are on. For ‘frame’ preset, ticks and grid are both off. For ‘plain’ preset, the x- and y-axis are both off.

  • cmap (str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap, default: ‘Blues’) – Colormap. Will be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(). Only effective when pianoroll is 2D.

  • xtick ({'auto', 'beat', 'step', 'off'}) – Tick format for the x-axis. For ‘auto’ mode, set to ‘beat’ if resolution is given, otherwise set to ‘step’. Defaults to ‘auto’.

  • ytick ({'octave', 'pitch', 'off'}, default: 'octave') – Tick format for the y-axis.

  • xticklabel (bool) – Whether to add tick labels along the x-axis.

  • yticklabel ({'auto', 'name', 'number', 'off'}, default: 'auto') – Tick label format for the y-axis. For ‘name’ mode, use pitch name as tick labels. For ‘number’ mode, use pitch number. For ‘auto’ mode, set to ‘name’ if ytick is ‘octave’ and ‘number’ if ytick is ‘pitch’.

  • tick_loc (sequence of {'bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right'}) – Tick locations. Defaults to (‘bottom’, ‘left’).

  • tick_direction ({'in', 'out', 'inout'}, default: 'in') – Tick direction.

  • label ({'x', 'y', 'both', 'off'}, default: 'both') – Whether to add labels to x- and y-axes.

  • grid_axis ({'x', 'y', 'both', 'off'}, default: 'both') – Whether to add grids to the x- and y-axes.

  • grid_linestyle (str) – Grid line style. Will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.grid().

  • grid_linewidth (float) – Grid line width. Will be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.grid().

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow().